In search of Simplexity

There is a constant struggle with complexity – both in the business world, and society more widely. By ‘complexity’, we mean the rich interconnectedness of work, people, information and goals. Just consider the dense web of factors to think about in navigating the climate crisis, changing global demographics and geopolitical tensions.

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How does complexity affect your business?

The natural consequences of such complex situations give rise to a number of thorny dilemmas:

It’s hard to make sense of what’s really going on:
How will the Energy Transition happen, and when? How will regional conflicts affect our supply chains? How many more waves of the pandemic will there be?

Since it’s hard to ‘see’ what’s happening, it’s also hard to agree what we should do about it:
How fast should we phase out hydrocarbons? What should we do about supply chain shortages? Should we make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory?  

We’re forced into choices between apparently contradictory objectives:
Profit vs. Planet? Free trade vs. local sourcing? Preserving public health vs. protecting businesses?

"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"

Albert Einstein

How can organisations, societies and individuals navigate our way through these dilemmas?  Our belief is that organisations can thrive – not just survive– in such situations by seeking Simplexity. Simplexity is, at its core, the application of principles which make a complex world simpler, yet not simplistic. Transcending the paradoxes – the conflicts – that exist in the ecosystems within which we operate will allow for clarity of vision, resolution of conflict and improved performance.

The Janusian Partnership helps organisations seeking Simplexity through custom enterprise education, combined with diagnostic and advisory services, with the aim of:

1) Making sense of the rich interconnectedness of complex situations by making ‘the in-between seen’ – by focusing on, and supporting, the links between factors rather than treating the factors as disconnected ‘silos’.

2)  Structuring dialogue for depolarisation, by learning how to collaborate with the ‘enemy’ – both within and beyond.

3)  Resolving the paradoxes inherent in contradictory objectives by understanding how they are, in reality, complementary and interdependent – and acting accordingly.

Stay tuned for more soon!

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